thehinterlandonline:translations: t w o


"Research? I'm sorry. I can't. I'm not finished this search yet."
--A 25 year old graduate student from Madrid whose cup of endless inquisitiveness
runneth over with an energy that inspires those around him to push their own sciential
searches perpetually forward.


"I wonder what language would be like without words like 'better, best' and 'worse, worst.'"
--A 22 year old restaurant hostess from Nagasaki who has a genuine dislike for two things:
grammar and miscommunication.

"Why in the centre of all the maps do I always see the North America?"
--A 25 year old self-proclaimed 'traveleur de le monde' from Paris who has an uncanny
talent for naming obscure landmarks and placing them on world maps with inimitable accuracy.

"Of all things in English I really don't understand 'the.' It often means,
I'm told, 'the only one.' For me, there is never 'only one' anything."

-- A 55 year old professor of physics from Seoul, South Korea who has accustomed
himself to approach all those things that are known to be definite with extreme caution.

"So much religion. In your country's song, "God keep our land." On your
money, "by the grace of God." In your slang, "God help me!" and God damn!"

--A 30 year old political journalist from Taiwan whose Bendi shirts
and Rolex watch are more than indicative of his inherited lifestyle.